To stash changes not ready to commit, for instance when you want to switch branch. Can be seen as a quick store which can be restored to any branch not just the one you stashed from.

[store changes that are tracked or staged]

git stash

[store all changes including untracked files]

git stash -u

[store with a message to identify changes made]

git stash save <stash-message>

[view all stashes]

git stash list

[show files in last stash]

git stash show

[show changes in last stash]

git stash show -p

[example: show changes in specified stash]

git stash show -p stash@{1}

[re-apply changes in most recent stash to any branch you are on keeping the stash]

git stash apply

[re-apply changes of specific stash to any branch you are on keeping the stash ]

git stash apply <stash-id>

[example: git stash apply stash@{2} OR git stash apply 2]

[re-apply changes in most recent stash to any branch you are on deleting the stash]

git stash pop

[re-apply changes of specific stash to any branch you are on deleting the stash ]

git stash pop <stash-id>

[example: git stash pop stash@{2} OR git stash pop 2]

[to undo apply]

git checkout -f,re%2Dapply%20them%20later%20on.